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The Compound Effect: Insights From Darren Hardy

I set a goal this year to read at least two self-improvement/business books per month. Below are some insights from one of the self-improvement books I read  in April- 'The Compound Effect' by Darren Hardy:

Insight 1

Small daily seemingly inconsequential choices repeated (compounded) overtime leads to long-term success. In the moment, these good choices or habits (similar to bad habits) may not seemingly have any effect but weeks/months/years down the line you'll begin to see the difference or reap the reward. This first insight or principle applies to all realms of life whether relationships, health, finance, business - you name it.

Tip: Hardy recommends writing down small changes you can make in your daily routine that overtime can lead to success.

Insight 2

Adversity is the fuel for success. Like many other self-help gurus before him, he recommends failing big and failing fast in order to achieve great success. The principle is that the more effort, time and discipline you apply towards a task is the greater your chance of achieving success.  He gives the example of body builders and athletes who want to build strength and endurance: each time an athlete lifts weights, the muscle tears and rebuilds itself bigger and stronger.

Insight 3

Perspective Changes Everything. We can't control what happens to us but we can control how we respond to adversity. Hardy recommends a celebration of failures: when you get to the 100th no/failure, have a celebration because eventually the pendulum will swing from failure to success in your favour.

Here's another summary of the book that's worth watching:

~Love God,Live life,One Enkounter at a Time~


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