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Kissed Love & Marriage Good-bye? (For Women Only)

In  a society that lives from holiday to holiday by now you would have realized that Christmas is long gone and Valentine's Day/ Singles Awareness Day is right around the corner. In honour of the season treat yourself to some chocolate and a good read for the successfully single lady:

1. Happy and Successfully Single by Tina A. Swain. This is a relatively new addition to the singles library but a very quick and real read. There is nothing better than getting advice from someone who is living out the single experience. Even better to have it sound as though you're getting advice from a close friend. You can grab this book for as little as $15 on Amazon.

2. The Single Woman by Mandy Hale. Everyone who has been single for a while has come across her quotes on social media at some point. If you're new to the singles game and haven't noticed her stuff - you're welcome. This book is available in almost every book store and for as low as $9.50 on Kindle. You can also access free single living inspiration for women by following The Single Woman on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest for daily motivation on your single journey.

3. Singleness and God's Deliverance by Betty Vivian. So you've accepted your singleness and you're not waiting on any Prince or anyone for that matter to rescue you. This book is a good read mainly because it's Betty's personal and deeply real story of accepting her singleness. This is free on iTunes and an easy read.

4. Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? Carolyn McCulley. This book really focuses on the spiritual benefits of being single and how you can use that state (notice I did not say season) to serve God. You can get this book for as low as $9.00 on Kindle.

5. Sassy, Single & Satisfied by Michelle McKinney Hammond. The content is just as interesting as the title sounds. If you had to get just one book - get this one. With lots of biblical references and personal stories, Michelle encourages singles to live a life that blesses others and enriches their lives instead of sitting around throwing pity parties or twiddling thumbs.

What books or resources have you come across for living successfully as a single woman? Drop a comment below... Happy Single Women Awareness Day when it comes and be good to yourself!

~Love God,Live life,One Enkounter at a Time~


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