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Showing posts from 2014

Finding Your Million Dollar Mate with Randy Pope

"Love is a commitment based on the Will of God and often time under-girded by an emotion." Randy Pope Increasing in the Fruits of the Spirit: a. Perseverance b. Self-Control c. Godliness d. Kindness e. Unconditional Love "A person's physical appearance and personality are valid and important but secondary to a person's spirit . When these become the primary motive for love then that 'love' becomes a fatal attraction." Develop a spiritual attraction in your life. Invite the divine nature of God into your own heart to do it's redemptive work. End any relationship with anyone who does not have the potential to be a million dollar mate. Make edification your goal in dating.  The word 'date' comes from a Latin word that means 'to give', 'to build up', or 'to edify'. Pray daily for your future spouse . Find someone you respect to validate your choice of a marriage partner. Set dating standa...

In Christ Alone

~Love God,Live life,One Enkounter at a Time~

Erik Rees on Spiritual Gifts: S.H.A.P.E Talks

The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”  In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. 1 Corinthians 12: 21-22 What is your Spiritual Gift? Take the Spiritual Gifts assessment test here . ~Love God,Live life,One Enkounter at a Time~

Gary Thomas on Making A Wise Marital Choice: Sacred Search

It's not about who you marry but why you marry... A good marital choice is like a gift that keeps on giving. A foolish marital choice is like a bad investment that you keep having to pay off. We don't know what we have to face in the future but God allows us to choose the person with whom we face our trials and successes.  10 yrs after you're married, what kind of tears will you be crying? Tears of frustration or tears of gratitude and joy? Will you be thankful for the growth you have received in your marriage or feel burdened and distressed? The best way to have a healthy soul building marriage is to listen to the words of Jesus: "Seek the Kingdom of God [ a ]  above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."   Matthew 6:33 (New Living Translation)   The more this verse drives your choice is the more you will be blessed. Jesus leads us in the wisest marital choice we could make. Being in love or infatuated with...

The Missed Marketing Opportunity in Proverbs 31

I love reading the Bible because just when you are patting yourself on the back, thinking that you know a passage or scripture inside out...POW!!! Something new and fresh comes right at you. Upon reading this scripture again I realized, from my Communications/Marketing point of view that authors and spiritual speakers have been packaging and peddling this passage to the wrong audience -young single women. There are some men who won't even read this blog post because Proverbs 31 is in the title and because they automatically assume I'm directing this post to women. There are some men's ministries that would never even consider a group study on Proverbs 31 because they'll automatically think...that's for women. And they have good reason to think that because it's all in the marketing. Don't believe me? Take a visit to your bookstore and look at the packaging of anything that says Proverbs 31, visit websites like this then read Proverbs 31 for yourself an...

Reflections on Max On Life by Max Lucado

Yesterday was the wrap up of Max On Life by Max Lucado in our bible study group. It is a wholistic study of life so we touched on parenting, finances, relationships and personal witness/ministry. In the study we examined the lives of people who didn't think they could accomplish God's Will in their own strength and those who seemingly detoured from the purpose they thought their lives would/should have.  I was intrigued by the story of the lady who thought God's plan (or maybe her plan) for her life was to marry and have children. Then at age 66- a successful single CPA- when that dream did not materialize, decided to adopt. She now has two children 8 and under and is convinced that this is God's Will for her life to make a difference in the lives of these children. It sparked an interest because I am now approaching the end of my 20s and I initially thought that by now I would have been married with at least two children. I do have a desire to marry and even feel calle...

Be the Best Whatever You Are!

Love this little poem, note to self Monday: If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill, be  a scrub in the valley-but be the  best little scrub by the side of the rill; Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass, and  some highway happier make; If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass but  the liveliest bass in the lake! We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew, There's something for all of us here, There's big work to do, and there's lesser to do, And the task you must do is the near. If you can't be a highway then just be a trail, If you can't be the sun be a star; It isn't by size that you win or you fail Be the best of whatever you are! ~Douglas Malloch~

Communication Lessons from Two Little Haitian Boys

The other day I was standing at the bus stop when two little Haitian boys (about 5 and 8) came running towards me ahead of their father and then...*SPLASH* The day before, there was a snow storm and that day the sun started melting away the snow, creating huge puddles. School was out for Spring Break so I guess that also added to their excitement.  The elder boy jumped in a puddle and got muck water all over my boots and leggings ( the boots I didn't mind...but my leggings...cringe). He immediately said sorry twice and I forced a smile and said okay. As soon as the father caught up, the younger son started telling him what happened (in Haitian Creole) and I instinctively turned to the dad and said, "He said he was sorry." (In English)  The elder boy with a puzzled look on his face said something to his dad in Haitian Creole and the dad replied in English, "Why don't you ask her?" The conversation... Boy: (Smiling) Do you speak Creo...

The Real New York: Reflections in the Subway

Like most people whose sole impression of New York is through the movies, reality shows and songs I thought New York was this big glamorous place where most people dress like they do on Project Runway and attend all the best restaurants, films, museums, etc. you catch my drift... Needless to say I was shocked when one of the first things to greet me was the dark and danky subway where no matter what time a day you got on, there was guaranteed to be someone covered up under a torn dirty blanket taking a nap. And where the station/stops are just plain filthy. So it turns out, New York is a real place, with real people struggling with real issues. How could I already have forgotten the recent historical facts that I knew? Fact 1 : Tragedy of 911 It was late August 2001 and my two sisters and I had just gotten back to Jamaica from our first no-parents trip, as teenagers, to Detroit. Only a couple days later, September 11, 2001, I would sit transfixed looking at the TV in horror ...

Mate: Tea, the Chilean Way

On my most recent trip, my travel friend, Daniella, who is a Chilean, introduced me to this: Mate tea This my friends is called 'Mate' (hard 'e' on the end...mah-teh...not 'Matey' my Jamaican family :D). The metal straw is called a bombilla. My friend poured a combination of cool and hot water on some dried herbs as she excitedly explained that this is how they prepared and drank tea in Chile. She then promptly explained all the health benefits and offered me a sip. I instinctively refused because my first impression and thoughts to myself were... what manner of couldron is this?  And then, why is steam consistently rising from cool/lukewarm tea? I had honestly never seen anything like it before. Che Guevara sipping from a Yerba Mate. She explained that it was made popular by the legendary Che Guevara and is a common practice in several South American countries including Argentina, Brazil etc. Now I regret passing on my first opportunity to si...

You Are Beautiful!

Such a beautiful ballad of encouragement for women from Ms. India Arie. Dedicating this one specially to the single sistahs who second guess themselves at times because of their lack of marital status.  #BeEncouraged #YouAreBeautiful #BeBlessed :D ~Love God,Live life,One Enkounter at a Time~

A Time for Everything: Reflections on Colombia

Every time I feel like I'm missing out on something exciting in life, I'll always try to remember Colombia . When I was finishing up university in 2006, I had applied to go to Colombia to teach English and every night, every prayer was (Lord please let me be chosen, please let me be chosen...please, please, please let me be chosen.) I was determined and with all that praying I thought...well I must  be chosen. Well, I wasn't chosen. And I was deeply disappointed because my heart was already in Colombia (even with the knowledge of the danger of the drug cartels, trafficking, crime, violence etc.) Instead, I was accepted to grad school that year and a pre-start requirement was to do a summer field research course and for some strange reason I did not want to go. I suppose I was still heart-broken about Colombia. My new prayer was Lord please send some window of opportunity anything is better than summer school!? But, I eventually went and in about 1-2 weeks visited (for t...

The Unique Assignment

“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. It’s when we try to do everything, that we get overwhelmed. When we do nothing, that’s when we get bitter. But if we find our unique assignment in our hometown or global community – then we find our light in the world.”  – Max Lucado & Danique Williams ~Love God,Live life,One Enkounter at a Time~

Your Day Will Come

Your day will come as sure as the sea Flows into the river and loses itself. No longer will you reminisce on days Spent anxious, doubtlful wondering About when your turn will come Your time to smile, shine and bask In good fortune abundant, undeserved, Unreserved, outpouring lavishly on you Rest assured your day will come. Never give up! Keep pressing towards your purpose in life...go get it. ~Love God,Live life,One Enkounter at a Time~

Reflections from Unlimiting God by Richard Blackaby

Listening to God "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." "(But) when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come."  "Daughter (and son), be of good cheer; your faith has made you well." The song, 'He is Able' by Deitrick Haddon also spoke to my heart today and is very much in line with these reflections: ~Love God,Live life,One Enkounter at a Time~

Today's Truth: Trusting God more

This 2014, deepening my relationship with God is one of my priorities (top of the list). So as I was seeking God this morning and just being quiet and still, I was led to reflect on my relationship with God as is. As I reflected,  I was led to the conclusion that I could use a healthy dose of trusting God. After reflecting,  God so worked it out that I should stumble on Joyce Myers' devotional on trusting God which confirmed this truth and learning.  Here are my reflections: If I believe God and trust He is going to show up and act on my behalf and in my favour (for His glory). Then I must continue to move in the direction of trust by working out my faith and pursuing God in prayer and being open and obedient to His voice.  I cannot say that I am believing God and trusting God if I do not pray or prayerfully move in the direction where God is calling me.  I cannot say I trust God if by my actions I am doing things contrary and opposite ...

The Inspiration of Musiq's Music

I don't know about other people's life enkounters but I personally find that the more I age I find it increasingly difficult to be inspired. I've met so many different people, watched so many different films, had so many varied experiences, read so much of any and everything that it's almost always a feeling of  "Oh, I've heard and seen that before." So in the rare moments when I hear something or see something that stirs some inspired moment in me for whatever strange reason...I have to take note. On this day in history...I am completely inspired by the music of Musiq SoulChild...don't ask me why because I can't quite explain it. I first discovered his music in 2004 when I was browsing through a bookstore on my University campus in Jamaica and I've been a fan of his music ever since. For this particular song maybe it's because it has elements of Jamaican music in the composition of the ballad (ska? mento?). Or maybe it's the fla...

December 4, 2013

A post I wrote when my mother passed on December 4, 2013 and that I just got the courage to post: December 4, 2013 (7:51 pm) Today is the worst day of my life. I saw my mother and best friend stop breathing. I refuse to dwell on these past few days of suffering that culminated in her going back to Heaven today. I want to remember the best of times. My mommy memories: 1. The goofy and hilarious faces she would how her face would transform whenever anybody would ask 'Are you serious?' 2. Her beyond corny jokes that you would have to really know her to get and appreciate these jokes. 3. How we did phone shopping all the time whenever we were separated by the distance. I think we invented this (lol). Many store clerks must have found it strange. 4. How we would get so excited over a new recipe 5. How we would take volvita (old 1997 volvo) for a spin and pray that she (volvita) doesn't lose power on the road. 6. How she would laugh until she starts c...