Never in a hundred years did I think I would be writing about a disease that has forced the complete shut down of the world. It’s caused me to think a lot and empathize with people and myself about our shared disappointment of how this year has turned out. Let’s recap the outbreak of the novel Corona virus in late 2019 (allegedly with a Chinese wet market as the epicentre): The virus made its way to over 130 countries The virus spurred a pandemic with panic buying & hoarding of essential items Several countries imposed travel bans and closed their borders Several countries limit movement and impose curfews to prevent the spread Non - essential businesses are ordered to close leading to mass layoffs Humans are instructed to stay in place at home and practice social distancing when they have to be out and about. Connected By Disappointment This all sounds stranger than fiction in writing but it is our shared reality right now and quite frankly many of us are ...