I love reading the Bible because just when you are patting yourself on the back, thinking that you know a passage or scripture inside out...POW!!! Something new and fresh comes right at you. Upon reading this scripture again I realized, from my Communications/Marketing point of view that authors and spiritual speakers have been packaging and peddling this passage to the wrong audience -young single women. There are some men who won't even read this blog post because Proverbs 31 is in the title and because they automatically assume I'm directing this post to women. There are some men's ministries that would never even consider a group study on Proverbs 31 because they'll automatically think...that's for women. And they have good reason to think that because it's all in the marketing. Don't believe me? Take a visit to your bookstore and look at the packaging of anything that says Proverbs 31, visit websites like this then read Proverbs 31 for yourself an...