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@ the Beach

When I was younger I had a picture in my mind of what individual witness looked like. I remember having two distinct images; one of individuals walking through neighborhoods and knocking on other people's doors, handing out tracts and being thought strange and two of people jumping on buses and preaching and being thought strange. Ok maybe I wasn't that young when I got the second impression. However, as I grew and became more serious about living for God, I began to see and learn more about sharing Christ with others through various young adults and student ministries. I began to realize more and more that there was no text-book definition for telling people about Christ and that you really cannot (should not) separate who you are from what you believe. Despite all this I never imagined that I would end up witnessing to anyone @ the beach! 

It's funny and crazy now that I think about it... I went to the beach very early so that I could have my own little personal retreat, and ended up being interrupted by persons who wanted to 'get to know me' (clearly normal females do not go the beach early in the morning to read). I thought, what do I tell these people now?  Who am I, really? How else am I supposed to explain the 'who I am question'or even what I am becoming? Now that I think about it. It was inevitable. It must have been even stranger to onlookers to see someone on the beach, in bathing suit and all (looking all touristy) reading the bible and praying for a complete stranger. Never in a trillion days did I imagine that that person would be me. I never thought much about it until afterwards. I was having a discussion with my friend @Sashpooh and then we got to talking about other people who actually go to parties with the intention to do witness. Wow!

All I could remember was growing up with that image of people witnessing on the buses and thinking that they were all crazily brave (more crazy than brave) and praying 'Lord please don't ever ask me to do that. I would just die!' But then the beach happened. I don't know what other such Enkounters life has in store but I will never forget this Enkounter @ the beach that has completely reopened my eyes to what God can do if people would just allow Him to.

~Love God,Live life,One Enkounter at a Time~


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