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The Story Behind-'Cherish the Love''s the story behind this event. I have two blogs that are my pride and joy that I like to experiment with, one can be traced back to me and the other is fairly anonymous (innocent stuff:). So I was doing some updates and checking out the stats, tweeting and all of that when I stumbled across #februarywish as a group/topic/search trending worldwide on twitter! Anyway, not surprisingly, most of the persons on there were throwing a pity party online and I could so relate.
Bah Humbug!
Last year that was my position. I even wore full Black (was going for the Mortisha Adams look) to the Pre-Valentine's Dinner I attended and was sour most of the time to say the least. Mid-way through the dinner and even during my 'on-stage performance', I just wanted to go home, not even company in misery could cure this case.
You see the thing with Valentine's day is that there is no fooling can't ignore it (unless of course, you are half robot). It is just in your face and rightly so as it is one of the biggest consumer events for the year, next to Christmas and you best believe that the business world will be making the best use of it! Red and White will be thrown in your then what to do for the eternally single (lol), recently heartbroken, separated or divorced? Prepare to enjoy it. Don't let sad, lonely feelings take you by surprise!

Some of you may have found love in the past year and may even be celebrating lasting love and that's fantastic! If you can afford it, make use of the climate and the assortment of gifts to choose from. Go to a Valentine's Day dinner, on a trip etc. If not decide on some other activity that you enjoy that you will do on the day or leading up to it. (Starting to sound like summn from e-how?lol). Now for the real darlings of Valentine's...
If you have no idea yet what to do with yourself, don't even feel like acknowleding the day, then you can drop by 'Enkounters' and the event page to see what goodies will surface! An old friend of mine mentioned having people share stories of 'I thought he was the one' could work, but why dwell on the negative of the past when we can make something great out of whatever is...right now? :D So share, share, share your stories. I say even if it's not your own personal story, share it! It may be a real life couple you admire...change up the names if you have to and encourage especially those who have lost love or given up hope on love that there is hope for love in the future.

Love Dee,

~Live Life, Love God, One Enkounter at a Time~


  1. Tara and I had met a few times but it was only when we were both leaders at a national youth conference in Scotland that I had the moment where I thought "this girl has something about her". Tara was the speaker at one of the main meetings and it was the things she said that really made an impression on me. It was clear that she was a woman of God and really wanted to honour God with her life. Thankfully she's now my wife and she's such a blessing. Recently we've had some challenging situations to deal with and she's been a fantastic support. I want to big her up for these reasons and many more.


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