Every time I feel like I'm missing out on something exciting in life, I'll always try to remember Colombia . When I was finishing up university in 2006, I had applied to go to Colombia to teach English and every night, every prayer was (Lord please let me be chosen, please let me be chosen...please, please, please let me be chosen.) I was determined and with all that praying I thought...well I must be chosen. Well, I wasn't chosen. And I was deeply disappointed because my heart was already in Colombia (even with the knowledge of the danger of the drug cartels, trafficking, crime, violence etc.) Instead, I was accepted to grad school that year and a pre-start requirement was to do a summer field research course and for some strange reason I did not want to go. I suppose I was still heart-broken about Colombia. My new prayer was Lord please send some window of opportunity anything is better than summer school!? But, I eventually went and in about 1-2 weeks visited (for t...