People are generally compelled to succeed by something inside and yet outside them. There seems to be passion inside us all but that is only a part of the picture. The environment plays a role in awakening and unearthing passion. The literal physical environment, permanent people in our lives and the people we encounter on a daily basis, determine whether our passions and talents are unearthed. Perseverance also plays a significant role in making the best use of our gifts. We should always strive to make use of opportunities to actively engage our talents and to stay open to possibilities. We must persist in protecting and nurturing our dreams and ensuring that we are around people who will inspire us and encourage us to hope and believe in ourselves. Experience also plays a great role in arriving at our talents. We must go through a plethora of experiences; good, bad, unthinkable, painstaking and unbearable, in order to have a story to tell, in order to have something of va...