Listen! Be quiet do not make the slightest sound, be still...Do you hear what I hear? How loud it is...the unshakable and Unmistakable...silence. Somehow, the young have fallen; Into a deep impenetrable sleep. Behold how strange it is... Those whom He has equipped with extraordinary strength To wrestle with the principalities and powers of darkness in this world... are... Swinging in hammocks with the elders, And enjoying sweet slumber with the suckling babes. But listen once more! Even more carefully... If you must...then hold your breath ... What do you hear now? Behold the enemy is on the prowl The ruthless fiend that knows no sleep. Just look how he boasts in his exploits, People falling like flies; murders by daylight, Another claimed by HIV, increase in selfishness, a growing generation of fatherless children being raised by reckless mothers, Yet another soul finding its solace in darkness. So much noise, turmoil, restlessness, waste, pandemonium and stil...